TOP 30 Most Valuable Companies in the Baltics
Since 2021, experts from investment banking Confidentus and Prudentia have been preparing and presenting to the public the TOP30 of the most valuable companies in the Baltics every year, providing insights into what drives changes in the value of the region’s largest companies.
Before the TOP30 survey of the most valuable companies in the Baltic States appeared, there were other surveys with traditions of public communication, so it was necessary to gain a position in the competitive field and to demonstrate the uniqueness of the survey.
To attract the attention of the main media portals in Lithuania, to strengthen the visibility of the client – project partner and to highlight its expertise
- Highlighting the main message of the communication, focusing the research, drawing conclusions according to the audience of the Lithuanian population
- Preparation of a press release
- Expert communication – initiating media topics
- Communication in social networks, inclusion of companies in the TOP 30 in the communication
Publications in all major media portals in Lithuania